Father’s Day is that day of the year when we stop to honor the most important men in our lives – our fathers. Dads are heroes. And they deserve to be treated as such. In this article we plan to give you some ideas on how to make dad happy this Father’s Day – with a DIY card.
Father’s Day Wallet Card
This one is a classic. What dad doesn’t walk around with a “dad wallet”. Make it out of paper or make it out of fabric – this card folds open just like a wallet to reveal your greeting and preferably also a photo of you and your dad.

Pop Up Father’s Day Card
Who doesn’t love a pop-up card? The tools needed are just color paper and scissors – but it does take some skills. Luckily this is exactly what the internet was invented for. So check out this tutorial and get to work!

Toolbox Card
Whether he knows how to actually use them or not, all dads have a special bond with their toolbox. This cool card is super-easy to create and is really impressive!!! So go ahead and get handy.

<< Click here to create an online Father’s Day card with Smilebox >>
Shirt and Tie Father’s Day
Ties scream “Father’s Day”! But they’re not only great default gifts, ties also make for a really cool design element in a Father’s Day greeting card. Get some color and textured paper and a couple of buttons. We recommend also adding a real tie-clip (maybe that can be the present!!!)

Father’s Day Card for a Dad Who Likes to Fish
Fishing is a great content universe to draw from when thinking about a father’s day card for two main reasons:
You can incorporate real fishing lines, baits, jigs and rigs in your creation.
Fishing (for some reason) provides with an endless amount of puns: Dad, you’re fin-tastic, I love you for reel, fishing you a happy Father’s Day, There’s no trout that you’re the bass dad in the world.

A paperless Father’s Day with Smilebox!
Why waste paper and run the risk of cutting yourself with scissors if you can create a beautiful, fun online Father’s Day card with Smilebox?
Check out our huge selection of cards designed especially for this super special day: