Being pregnant is definitely a cause for celebration and excitement. It’s an incredibly important moment for any family when you’re getting ready to bring a new life into the world. Announcing this to the world can be both exciting yet also nerve-wracking. Not only such news is exhilarating but it’s a life-changing event for both you and your partner.
It’s the type of news that is as big of a deal for you as it is for your family members. When you share this news, you are looking for a way to do it that’s equally as significant. We’ve come up with a great assortment of pregnancy announcement ideas that you can use! This list includes unique pregnancy revealideas all the way to funny ones.
Unique ways to announce your pregnancy to your husband
Husbands are probably the most important people to break the news of your pregnancy to. After your doctor and mother, they are likely to be the first person to know. So, there can be some pressure in telling a man that he’s going to be a dad for the first time – or again! A husband pregnancy reveal is a big deal but it doesn’t have to be extravagant. You don’t have to spend a ton of money, but rather, you can be more intimate and creative with it. You could use his favorite foods or maybe a sports team to bring out the reveal. We’ve narrowed down the list to a few that we think will work great.
- Tell him with a t-shirt
- Tell him on a pizza box
- Bake a cake with the message on it
- Surprise him with a “dad” book
- Belly paint pregnancy announcement
- Hide the pregnancy test where he’ll find it
- Coffee mug pregnancy announcement
- Make an eviction notice for his man cave
Funny pregnancy announcement ideas
Do you have a sense of humor? If so then this next reveal idea might be perfect for you. With social media, you’ve probably seen all kinds of hilarious pregnancy reveal posts. Some are hilarious, some are a bit bawdy, while others are light-hearted funny. Whatever way you choose, doing a funny pregnancy reveal gives you chance to express your happiness to others through the gift of laughter. If you want to give everyone a good laugh and while creating a sense of excitement over your bundle of joy, then some of our funny pregnancy announcement ideas will be perfect for you!
- Pregnancy bingo
- Movie Poster
- Under construction announcement
- Belly painting
- Big brother promotion
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Fun ways to announce pregnancy to parents
So you find yourself pregnant and not sure how to spring the big news onto your parents? If your parents are becoming grandparents for the first time, then you have a BIG opportunity to surprise them. There’s a good chance your mom and dad have been looking forward to becoming grandparents for a long time so you want to make this happy moment super memorable for them.
Back in the good old days, you had the option of calling them or sending a letter informing them of their future grandparenthood. With social media and our very own special announcement templates, you have endless ways to create a fun pregnancy announcement for your parents! We have created a list with a variety of ways to share the exciting news with them!
- Frame your ultrasound picture
- Give them a onesie
- Give them grandparent mugs
- Create a pregnancy announcement sign
- Wear a pregnancy announcement t-shirt
- Give them a nice soon-to-be-grandparents card
- Give them a little bird scroll pregnancy announcement

Fun ways to announce pregnancy to kids
When you are expecting a baby you know that delivering the news is a project all unto itself. While it’s always happy and exhilarating news for friends and family, children are not always thrilled. Children sometimes get jealous knowing that they will have a sibling on the way. This can make it more difficult when you go to deliver the news to them.
However, if you can make it a special moment for them while making it fun, they’ll likely receive the news better. So what is the best way to let your child know they are going to be getting a new family member soon? Well if you want to make your job a little easier, our pregnancy announcements templates are perfect because they do the work for you! Check out the rest of our list for some creative ways to reveal your pregnancy to your children.
- Chalkboard notice
- Scavenger hunt
- Take them with you when you get the ultrasound
- A giant box of balloons
- Reading a book to them
- Go through your old scrapbook
- Plan a trip to the zoo
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Pregnancy announcement ideas for grandparents
Grandparents are sure to be as excited as your own parents upon hearing the news of a new baby. They have probably been waiting a long time for this news, so it’s worth taking a moment to make the reveal special to them. Now that they will be great-grandparents for the first time (or again) they will be overjoyed to hear the news. While a phone call will work, this news is most special when you can deliver it in person. That way you can take a photo or video of their reaction and share it on social media.
- Say it on sweets
- Create a wooden sign
- Get them matching t-shirts
- Give them a card with ultrasound photos inside
- Get them great-grandparents mugs
- Tell them on their birthday
- Make a craft
- Make them a countdown clock
- Create a thoughtful poem
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Pregnancy announcement ideas for Facebook
Facebook is always a great place to reveal your pregnancy so all your friends and family can see at the same time. If you’re not sure how to announce the big news, we have some ideas below that will help you get the creative juices flowing. Just a warning, you will get a lot of likes on these posts so be ready for the extra love!
- An announcement with you and your bump
- Hold up a can of Prego pasta sauce
- A “big-sis-to-be” post with giant balloons
- Take a picture holding the baby bump
- Show the sonogram
- Use balloons with messages on them
- Take a picture of a bun in the oven
- The “many faces of a sibling”
By now your head is probably filled with some amazing pregnancy reveal ideas. While revealing that you’re pregnant is fun and exciting, it does take some creative planning on your part. You can come up with some unique ideas by using the lists above and combine it with the power of social media. This will surely make it all the more fun when you see the surprise and joy on everyone’s faces. Smilebox also has a free baby slideshow maker you can use to create a slideshow once your little bundle of joy arrives. If you are a busy parent and want something to help you quickly capture those special moments, then this is perfect for you.
We hope that we’ve given you some inspiration and great ideas for this special moment in your life. Comment below and let us know how we can help you create the perfect pregnancy announcement!